US fulfilment service
for marketplace sellers

Guarantee 1-day handling and 2-3 day delivery to your customers in the US and Canada with seamless order fulfilment for eBay and Etsy sellers. Connect your account to ZoneSmart and get orders shipped automatically
1-3 day shipping to customers in North America
ZoneSmart Fulfilment is a fully digital solution which allows you to connect directly to major sales channels and shipping carriers
Manage all the sales & shipments in a single app
Connect marketplace account (eBay, Etsy) to the ZoneSmart app and all orders will be automatically processed at the warehouse, inventory quantities will be synced in real time as well.
Expedited shipping to locations in North America
Shipping time is an ultimate decision-making factor for each buyer. Majority of marketplace customers prefers products with delivery time of 5 days or less. Moving part of your products to the warehouse in the US will significantly strengthen your positions on the market.
Convenient cargo shipping options to the US
ZoneSmart provides convenient options for the sellers in Europe to ship their products with air cargo to our US warehouse. In partnership DHL we can provide reliable and rapid fast cargo shipping with up to 70% off the retail rates from our warehouse in Riga, Latvia to the US.

Available Integrations

Fulfilment rates

Under 500 shipments per month
Over 500 shipments per month
First 2 hours of receiving - free, every hour after is $40
20' container (if not on pallets) - $299
40' container (if not on pallets) - $499
First 2 hours of receiving - free, every hour after is $40
20' container (if not on pallets) - $299
40' container (if not on pallets) - $499
$2 (+ $1 for each additional item in order)
  • Packaging in polyethylene mailer included in price
  • Price of boxes an other shipping materials calculated according to the ULine rates
$1,8 (+ $1 for each additional item in order)
  • Packaging in polyethylene mailer included in price
  • Price of boxes an other shipping materials calculated according to the ULine rates
Pallet storage
Pallet: $25/month, or $50/month if no shipments for 3 months

1/2 pallet: $15/month, or $50/month if no shipments for 3 months
Pallet: $25/month, or $50/month if no shipments for 3 months

1/2 pallet: $15/month, or $50/month if no shipments for 3 months
Shelf storage
$20 per month (up to pallet volume)
Free storage
Last mile shipping
USPS shipping according to GoShippo rates
USPS shipping according to GoShippo rates
Sell to North America with reliable shipping
Special discounts are available for sellers with more than 1000 shipments per month